

So, in the last seven days there have been 5 people die I think it is. 

First Ed McMahon, can't say I really know who he is, but he's not related to Vince McMahon. He died around the age of 80 and his Wikipedia page is pretty long so he must have done something good in his life.

Then Farrah Fawcett died, once again, don't really know her. I checked Google and she was looking good for her age. I've heard her name before so she must be well known. Kinda sucks she died a few hours before Michael Jackson because now she'll barley be remember.

Then of course Michael Jackson, of course this is the headline of pretty much every newspaper. I just remember I was on Twitter when all of sudden he's in Hospital then he died, then he came back, and then died again.
Here's a video by Jon Lajoie with his view on Michael Jackson's death;

Yeah, I kind of agree with him. Everyone all of sudden is in love with him even though they wouldn't have been last week.
I liked Michael Jackson's music but he's not my favourite music artist ever so I'm not really too bothered.

Then earlier this week sometime Paul Burchill's brother died. no one really picked up on this one, I mean I don't even know his name, just the name of his brother and that's because he's a wrestler. :)

And finally, Billy Mays, this is very upsetting. I was really surprised when I found out about this as well and it upsets me more than any of the other deaths this week.

R.I.P guys, say hi to Kurt Cobain for me.