

Those of you who have an iPod Touch/iPhone will possibly know of a game called Amateur Surgeon in the App Store, recently they released a free version of the game with two levels in it so you can see if you like it or not, which I do. I was going to buy the full game but released it was £2.99 which is quite expensive for an iPod game, seen as the iPod has no buttons so most of the games are either rubbish or really boring.

But when I was on Newgrounds today, I saw Amateur Surgeon on the front page for games. I assumed it was the same demo as the iPod version, but it's not, it's the full version. It's not new levels or anything either, it's the same story, same characters, same tools.

So they made people pay £2.99 on their iPods for this and then make it free for Newgrounds users. The controls are a little bit harder on the flash version, then again I'm using a TrackPad instead of a Mouse.
So I'm a little annoyed, I still want the iPod version because it's a good game to play while you're out, not sitting at a computer. But I'll feel ripped off if I pay for it.

Oh well it's not a huge problem,. If you want to play the flash version here's the link, it's a fun game and will maybe help you decide to buy the same game for a smaller screen.


I was just in the most epic match on Gears, once I got into the lobby I looked at the teams, first off all someone had left our team making it 4v5, 4 people on their team was in a clan, they all had 'Mad' infront of their names. The last guy was part of his own clan. Then someone else quit are team so it was 3v5 now, great. We played Excuction on River.

So, we had two computer players on our team and we got totally owned, after I died I was watching my team mates, and they didn't have guns, there is this really annoying glitch where you don't have a gun. So, I was the only human on our team who could do anything. The computer players were the only players to get any kills in the first round.

Soon it was 3-0 to them, we were obviously going to lose, I was up in the room with the sniper rifle, two guys came up behind them, but they came one at a time so I someone managed to pick them off. I then went and hid in the corner downstairs because I could ear someone coming in, they ran in, upstairs and right past me, I went behind him and shot him in the face as he turned around. It then went to Sudden Death which I didn't win. So now it was 4-0, we might as well give up.
Then, one guy on our team manages to get his gun back, he was the guy alive and managed to kill the other 4 players on the other team, so we didn't lose, then next round the other guy got his gun back and did the same. Then I managed to get the final kill in another round. Soon enough it was 4-4, we were so close to losing and managed to win 4 rounds in a row. I didn't do to good and bumped into someone with a meatshield and didn't survive for long, but the last man on our team managed to take out 3 of their players leaving it sudden death. After about 30 seconds of roaming around, the two players found each other on the bridge, my teammate only narrowly avoided a Tourque bow shot and managed to down the other guy as he was reloading and we won the match!!

So let me recap, it's 3v5, all of the other team are Lvl.30+ in clans, they got the Boomshot every round, we barley used any special weapons yet we managed to outsmart them and come back from losing 4-0 to win 5-4.

It was hella epic bro.


(The second half of this post got deleted so here's the rest.)

Unreal tournament III
Epic really dropped the ball on this one. I'm was super excited for UTIII, and even more excited when they released it for the 360. Unfortunately it was a huge let down. Epic couldn't get their heads out their own backside after their huge success with Gears of War, they couldn't help them selves from making UTIII into Gears of War 1.5. All the cutscenes and character models and voice actors are ripped straight from Gears of War, the main character just looks like Marcus Fenix wearing a Theron Gaurd uniform. First off all, who gives a shit about the story in UT, there was none in the first game, it just had bad ass gameplay and amazing multiplayer. Unreal Tournament 2 had some back story, which I didn't care about, but it made up for that by letting you fly, which is awesome. UTIII goes into a bunch of shit and the multiplayer is terrible, the maps are all way to big, and barely anyone plays it online so you get lost in these massive spaces. Unreal Tournament was one of the best FPS games which has a massive fan base, and epic went and ruined it because they don't care about UT, instead they make games about Marcus "I have no expressions but Epic are still gonna try and make you care for me in their terrible storylien ideas" Fenix and his Mexican border jumping friend Dom who only cares about his dead zombie wife and starts going all emo. but fair enough they did make the Cole Train, aint' nothing wrong with that guy. Choo Choo!

Resident Evil 5
I absolutely love this game, but the only onlien is co-op which I'm not gonna play it because I haven't completed the game yet. There is a new versus mode which you have to pay for, doesn't seem half bad, but nothing special, I may get it.

Fable II
Walking around with some random stranger watching him rape my many wives? No thanks.

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
The online for this is pretty decent, the main problem is finding people to play against, when you do get into a game it's normally just 1 or 2 other people. Some game modes are fun, like racing and sumo, but most people suck at this game and it can get pretty repetitive.

So yeah, that's a list of online games I have not including arcade games. As you can see I don't have any good ones. What I really need is Street Fighter IV and CoD: Modern Warfare 2.


I'm bored so I'm gonna have a little rant about my Xbox games. Well it's not much of a rant but whatever.

So, last week I finally got Gold membership again for my Xbox, now I can finally play all my great online games, then I realized I don't have many, lets see what I do have:

Smackdown vs Raw 2008/09
Just playing this game on my own is terribly boring, it's not bad when friends come over but the controls are way to complex for anyone to just jump in and play. And online is even worse. Everyone spams their attacks not letting you get a punch in edge ways. Plus there are a bunch of hackers and stuff.

The Orange Box
Team Fortress 2 is a great multiplayer game, if you're playing it on the PC. On the 360 we get no patches, no updates, bad servers, bad graphics. It's terrible, it's a decent game but there's so much lag it's not worth playing.

NHL 08
This game has great online, not much lag, decent servers, quite a few people playing. But everyone quits as soon as you score 1 goal so I've never finished a single game of this online.

Gears of War 1/2
Gears 2 has been my game of choice for the last week, but I don't know why, it's probably because of the huge community and new ranking system, but if it didn't have that I wouldn't play it. The online is poor. When you get lag, you get lag bad. When you do find a game though, it's filled with glitches, sometimes your gun won't appear, sometimes you'll shoot someone square between the eyes only for them to appear behind you with a chainsaw.
Also they made this game so unfair, all the new weapons in the game are so easy to get kills with making ltos of n00bs run around with flamet hrowers burning you or destroying you with a mortar. They made the shotgun weaker, the one gun everybody online uses. And they made it easier for people to chainsaw you, meaning you get fags running around revving their chainsaw, and no matter how much you shoot them, no matter how many torque bows you fire through their ribs, or how many grenades you stick on their back, they still manage to chainsaw you.  Plus, grenade tagging makes it even easier for people to get cheap grenade kills.
Why I still play this I don't know.

Unreal tournament III
Epic really dropped the ball on this one. I'm was super excited for UTIII, and even more excited when they released it for the 360. Unfortunately it was a huge let down. Epic couldn't get their heads out their own backside after their huge success with Gears of War, they couldn't help them selves from making UTIII into Gears of War 1.5. All the cutscenes and character models and voice actors are ripped straight from Gears of War, the main character just looks like Marcus Fenix wearing a Theron Gaurd uniform. First off all, who gives a shit about the story in UT, there was none in the first game, it just had bad ass gameplay and amazing multiplayer. Unreal Tournament 2 had some back story, which I didn't care about, but it made up for that by letting you fly, which is awesome. UTIII goes into a bunch of shit and the multiplayer is terrible, the maps are all way to big, and barely anyone plays it online so you get lost in these massive spaces. Unreal Tournament was one of the best FPS games which has a massive fan base, and epic went and ruined it because they don't care about UT, instead they make games about Marcus "I have no expressions but Epic are still gonna try and make you care for me in their terrible storylien ideas" Fenix and his Mexican border jumping friend Dom who only cares about his dead zombie wife and starts going all emo. but fair enough they did make the Cole Train, aint' nothing wrong with that guy. Choo Choo!

Resident Evil 5
I absolutely love this game, but the only onlien is co-op which I'm not gonna play it because I haven't completed the game yet. There is a new versus mode which you have to pay for, doesn't seem half bad, but nothing special, I may get it.

Fable II
Walking around with some random stranger watching him rape my many wives? No thanks.

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
The online for this is pretty decent, the main problem is finding people to play against, when you do get into a game it's normally just 1 or 2 other people. Some game modes are fun, like racing and sumo, but most people suck at this game and it can get pretty repetitive.

So yeah, that's a list of online games I have not including arcade games. As you can see I don't have any good ones. What I really need is Street Fighter IV and CoD: Modern Warfare 2.


Fat Princess is a RTS/CTF game for PS3 Network, but instead of controlling a whole army you control one player on your team, you can customize him/her and then play online. It looks really fun, well, I can't explain it, but here's a video you should watch.

Click here to play video.

About half way through watching this video I noticed the gameplay and graphics are extremely similar to Team Buddies on the Playstation which was and still is one of my all time favourite games. Fat Princess seems very almost identical to Team Buddies with a few tweaks like how to you gather resources plus it has up to 16 people on a team and it's CTF and it has Team Deathmatch modes.
It's practically Team Buddies 2, I really want to play this, I would buy a PS3 just for this game.