

So, a while ago on Twitter, Tom Fulp said about flash content on Newgrounds will now be in widescreen. I hadn't checked it out yet, but I assumed if you wanted to make a widescreen flash, surely you just make the size of your flash have more width than height. Anyway, I finally went onto to Newgrounds to check it out, I watched this (It's by Egoraptor! Click the 'S' in the title to see an awesome easter egg, seriously, it's great) now you may notice you don't have to click 'Watch This Movie' it just automatically loads for you, which is kinda neat but I feel it ruins the layout of the page, I'll get used to it.

There are 3 buttons above the flash, the picture of a moon darkens the website so the flash stands out more which is what used to happen when you opened up the flash so that's cool.
The second button opens the flash in a separate window, I know some people who needed to do this on the old Newgrounds layout as their computer wouldn't open the flash in the javascript pop-up, so that's still there.
The last buttons makes the flash even bigger, which is pretty neat I guess.

So that's the latest Newgrounds update, go check it out I guess.


Those of you who have an iPod Touch/iPhone will possibly know of a game called Amateur Surgeon in the App Store, recently they released a free version of the game with two levels in it so you can see if you like it or not, which I do. I was going to buy the full game but released it was £2.99 which is quite expensive for an iPod game, seen as the iPod has no buttons so most of the games are either rubbish or really boring.

But when I was on Newgrounds today, I saw Amateur Surgeon on the front page for games. I assumed it was the same demo as the iPod version, but it's not, it's the full version. It's not new levels or anything either, it's the same story, same characters, same tools.

So they made people pay £2.99 on their iPods for this and then make it free for Newgrounds users. The controls are a little bit harder on the flash version, then again I'm using a TrackPad instead of a Mouse.
So I'm a little annoyed, I still want the iPod version because it's a good game to play while you're out, not sitting at a computer. But I'll feel ripped off if I pay for it.

Oh well it's not a huge problem,. If you want to play the flash version here's the link, it's a fun game and will maybe help you decide to buy the same game for a smaller screen.

So today I finally went to see the new Star Trek film and as you can see by five stars, I thought it was pretty good.

Ok so, I've never watched  Star Trek in my life, but I understand some references to it, I know the characters, some of the races, the ships etc.
Going into this film I was excepting a remake of Star Trek, although Star Trek is a long series with a few movies under it's belt so I don't see how you can cram it all into 2 hours. It seemed to be just another Star Trek film but with different actors, and what's Star Trek with George Takei or William Shatner. It did have the original actor of Mr.Spock in it though.

And let me say, we sat right at the front of the cinema, so all the shaky camera angles made everything a bit crazy.

So, after the intro, which was very good, set up the film, some emotion in that, we then see James T.Kirk as a kid and he's already a rebel, and Sabotage by Beastie Boys is playing in the background. Now can I say every film should start off with song as the opener or it will never be a success.

It then introduces Spock who has some mucked up past or something. Then it jumps straight into action with Kirk joining the USS Enterprise or something, it then build up some tension between Spock and Kirk who where the main characters of the film (which to be honest I didn't know)

The film has some very dynamic camera angles/shots, very shaking and the light they used reminded me of Mass Effect which isn't a bad thing. The film didn't hold back on the comedy and it actually had some very funny moments, and I'm not talking about Simon Pegg. I think he's a great actor but he didn't bring much to the film (well except for being Scotty, but still...)

Overall I think the film took a lot of risk and they payed off, the film was not as generic as I thought it was, a nice easy to follow story line and great effects, some great actors and if you're a Trek fan I'm sure you enjoyed it, it seemed to follow the source material very well.

Only thing that would of made this film the best film of the Century, is if Captain Pike pulled off his face to reveal that he was Andy Samberg the whole time and then have him high five everyone and congratulate them and then look at the camera, smile and give a thumbs up, and before the credits roll up, Lou Ferringo comes onto stage and puts his arm round Samberg, they look at each other then loo kat the camera and smile and then the credits role.

As the credits roll there should be clips from the film showing what it would be like if Andy Samberg replaced every character in the film.


Last night Kirbopher released the latest in the trilogy of Brawl Taunts, here's the link:
One More Brawl Taunts

Thing is, this is a collab instead of just Kirbophers and Rina-Chan's work. IT has some funny moments but the quality is not as good as the first two. If you want to see those two, here's the links, they're far better than this new one, plus you may want to watch them first to understand some of the jokes in the new one.

Brawl Taunts

More Brawl Taunts