

There's a lot of new films coming out this summer including Terminator Salvation, Transformers 2, Night at the Museum 2, Twilight New Moon. A lot of my friends have said they want to see these films. Can I just say the only film I'm thinking of seeing out of that list is Terminator. The film looks great but to be honest I don't care much for Terminator, it never really jumped out at me, but the new film looks nice. Night at the Museum 2 is just the first one with some new characters, seriously every character from the first film is in this one, even though they're in a new museum. Transformers 2... I'll have to write another blog post about how much I don\t want to see that...

Anyway, back on topic, a film no one mentioned was The Hangover. I saw the trailer and it seemed good, someone told me they'd seen it and would place it in their top 3 comedy films ever, although his top 2 comedy films didn't seem very good.
My sister told me she was seeing it and asked if I'd like to come with her and her friend. I thought it would be kind of awkward but I did want to see this film.
We drove to my sister friends house but she wasn't there, her boyfriend was who was also coming, he let us in while we waited. I talked a bit to her boyfriend and some other guy who was living with them, he had a nice beard and wasn't wearing a t-shirt. nice ;)
When my sisters friend got back we had to wait for her boyfriend to have a shower. The film started at 8:45 and it was 8:40 by this time.
She told an amusing story about her friend who knocked a man of his bike while driving and then didn't help him but instead got out, walked past him tot he pub.

We left their house at about 9:00, got there about 9:20. When we bought our tickets we asked how much of the film we missed, he only said 5 minutes, so we all got student tickets and rushed into the film.

I don't want to give too much of the film away, basically four bro's go to Las Vegas for a stag night, the next day they have a huuuuuge hangover and lose the man who's gonna get married. The look in their pockets and find tags and tickets etc. from where they were last night and traced their steps and go on one crazy adventure.
The ending is great I thought, it all wraps up, it's kind of like a mystery how it all pieces together.

I definitely recommend you see it, I didn't find myself cracking up during the film but it defiantly had it's moments.

So today I finally went to see the new Star Trek film and as you can see by five stars, I thought it was pretty good.

Ok so, I've never watched  Star Trek in my life, but I understand some references to it, I know the characters, some of the races, the ships etc.
Going into this film I was excepting a remake of Star Trek, although Star Trek is a long series with a few movies under it's belt so I don't see how you can cram it all into 2 hours. It seemed to be just another Star Trek film but with different actors, and what's Star Trek with George Takei or William Shatner. It did have the original actor of Mr.Spock in it though.

And let me say, we sat right at the front of the cinema, so all the shaky camera angles made everything a bit crazy.

So, after the intro, which was very good, set up the film, some emotion in that, we then see James T.Kirk as a kid and he's already a rebel, and Sabotage by Beastie Boys is playing in the background. Now can I say every film should start off with song as the opener or it will never be a success.

It then introduces Spock who has some mucked up past or something. Then it jumps straight into action with Kirk joining the USS Enterprise or something, it then build up some tension between Spock and Kirk who where the main characters of the film (which to be honest I didn't know)

The film has some very dynamic camera angles/shots, very shaking and the light they used reminded me of Mass Effect which isn't a bad thing. The film didn't hold back on the comedy and it actually had some very funny moments, and I'm not talking about Simon Pegg. I think he's a great actor but he didn't bring much to the film (well except for being Scotty, but still...)

Overall I think the film took a lot of risk and they payed off, the film was not as generic as I thought it was, a nice easy to follow story line and great effects, some great actors and if you're a Trek fan I'm sure you enjoyed it, it seemed to follow the source material very well.

Only thing that would of made this film the best film of the Century, is if Captain Pike pulled off his face to reveal that he was Andy Samberg the whole time and then have him high five everyone and congratulate them and then look at the camera, smile and give a thumbs up, and before the credits roll up, Lou Ferringo comes onto stage and puts his arm round Samberg, they look at each other then loo kat the camera and smile and then the credits role.

As the credits roll there should be clips from the film showing what it would be like if Andy Samberg replaced every character in the film.